题 目:“Hybrid Nanostructures as Electrode Materials for Alkali Metal-Ion Batteries ”
报告人:Prof. Zaiping Guo(University of Wollongong)
地 点:工程实验大楼240、244 多媒体报告厅
时 间:2019年6月18日(周二)下午 4:00-5:30
主持人:刘继磊 教授
Prof. Zaiping Guo received a PhD in Materials Engineering from the University of Wollongong in December 2003. She is a Senior Professor in the school of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Wollongong, and an Associate Editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. She received the ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2010 and the ARC Future Fellowship (FT3) in 2015. Her research focuses on the design and application of nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion, including rechargeable batteries, hydrogen storage, and fuel cells. She published more than 300 papers in the past 10 years, More than 90 papers were published in journals with IF > 10. Her publications have been cited >19500 times with an h-index of 75.
Energy storage is an important problem to realize low carbon society and there have been many challenges. Lithium ion batteries and sodium ion batteries are particularly attracted attention of scientists and engineers as promising devices. Materials engineering plays a key role in the field of battery research. In particular, engineering materials at the nanoscale offers unique properties resulting in high performance electrodes in various energy storage devices. Consequently, considerable efforts have been made in recent years to fulfill the future requirements of electrochemical energy storage devices. Various multi-functional hybrid nanostructured materials are currently being studied to improve energy and power densities of next generation batteries. In this talk, I will present some of our recent progress in the synthesis of different types of hybrid nanostructures to enhance the electrochemical energy storage properties of metal-ion batteries.