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Dominant factors of bainite transformations ~Crystallography and Thermodynamics~

发布者:Goro Miyamoto发布时间:2024-09-02浏览量:



目:Dominant factors of bainite transformations ~Crystallography and Thermodynamics~

报告人Prof. Goro Miyamoto(宮本吾郎 教授Tohoku University



主持人:蒋福林 副教授



Bainitic transformations are widely utilized in the production of thick-plate steels with high strength and toughness, as well as steel sheets that combine high strength with high ductility. The sophisticated design of the bainitic structure based on the transformation mechanism is of critical importance. The upper bainite structure shares many similarities with lath martensite. However, compared to the extensive studies on martensitic transformation, the understanding of bainite transformation mechanisms is still lacking. Our research group has investigated bainitic transformations in various alloys, focusing on crystallography and transformation kinetics. In this talk, I will compare the dominant factors influencing the microstructure and transformation kinetics of upper bainite and lath martensite. The block sizes of both bainitic and martensitic structures are refined by increasing the driving force for transformation or the matrix strength. The driving force for bainite transformation, which depends on either a diffusionless or diffusional mechanism, remains a topic of debate. This presentation will demonstrate that the driving force in the diffusional mechanism shows trends similar to those of martensite, suggesting that bainite transformation is a displacive process driven by carbon diffusion.


Dr. Goro Miyamoto is an associate professor at Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, Japan. He received B.E, M.S., Ph.D from the department of materials science and engineering, Kyoto University, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2006, respectively, and started his academic career at IMR in 2006. He was also a visiting researcher in the department of materials science and engineering, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands during 2013-2014.

His research interests include various aspects of fundamentals of microstructure evolution and its control in structural metallic materials, especially steels; transformation kinetics associated with element partitioning in diffusional transformation, crystallographic analysis of displacive transformation, and strengthening by nano-clustering/precipitation. He has also developed novel characterization methods, and his reconstruction software is widely used in Japanese steel industries. He has authored / co-authored over 160 refereed papers (H-index: 46) and was awarded the Best paper awards by the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) in 2008, 2014, and 2017, by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), UK in 2005, 2016, and 2022, the Young Researcher Awards by the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIM) in 2009, by ISIJ in 2011, by Honda memorial foundation in 2016, the Murakami Young Researcher Award by JIM in 2016, the Meritorious Award by JIM in 2018, the Nishiyama Commemorative Prize by ISIJ in 2018.
