湖南大学材料学院张辉教授团队的博士生杜振涛与宁波工程学院材料研究所杨为佑研究员课题组展开合作研究,采用溶剂热法合成了Sn掺杂的全无机CsPbI3钙钛矿纳米带。Sn取代了部分Pb从而降低了CsPbI3钙钛矿的毒性,并且经验证在空气中的稳定性也得到提高。纳米带组装成光电探测器器件,显示出优异的性能,其中响应度、外量子效率和探测率分别能达到1.18×103 A·W-1 and 3.63×105%和6.43×1013 Jones,其探测率能与已报道的全无机钙钛矿光电探测器的最佳值相比。所合成的纳米带具有较低的毒性、较高的稳定性及较好的性能,有望应用于各种光电器件。
该成果以湖南大学材料科学与工程学院为第一单位,博士生杜振涛为第一作者,傅定发副教授、张辉教授和杨为佑研究员为共同通讯作者发表在《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》(IF=5.976,DOI: 10.1039/c8tc01837e)上,题为“Photodetectors with ultra-high detectivity based on stabilized all-inorganic perovskite CsPb0.922Sn0.078I3 nanobelts”。

(a and b) Typical SEM images of the as-synthesized CsPb(1−x)SnxI3 nanobelts under different magnifications. The down-left inset in (b) shows the SAED pattern obtained from the marked area of A in (b). (c) Corresponding HRTEM image of the CsPb(1−x)SnxI3 nanobelts. (d) A typical TEM image of a single CsPb(1−x)SnxI3 nanobelt. (e–i) The typical element maps of Sn, Cs, Pb and I within an individual nanobelt, revealing their uniform spatial distributions.

(a) Photoswitching characteristics of the PDs under dark and 405 nm light illumination with a power of 1.96 mW cm−2 at a bias of 2 V. (b) The plots of R and EQE vs. light intensities at a bias of 2 V (λ = 405 nm). (c) The corresponding rise and decay times of the PDs. (d) The relationship between the photocurrents and light intensities at a fixed incident-light wavelength of 405 nm.