我院唐艳红教授课题组在催化领域权威刊物Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF=11.698)上发表题为“Positioning cyanamide defects in g-C3N4: Engineering energy levels and active sites for superior photocatalytic hydrogen evolution”的研究工作,该研究为石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4)的精确分子结构调控提供一种新的策略。我院在读博士生袁继理为论文共同第一作者,湖南大学材料学院为第一单位。
唐艳红教授课题组通过对C3N4前驱物的异构化调控,成功地在两个不同化学环境的氮原子上(–NH2 和 =NH)接枝氰基,合成出两种类型的氰胺缺陷的g-C3N4。两种类型的氰胺缺陷比例的方便调控可有效调控能带结构,极大改善电荷载流子的迁移和分离,同时改变g-C3N4分子间的作用方式,得到多孔结构的材料,充分暴露产氢活性位点,光催化产氢速率和量子效率得到大幅提高。审稿人高度评价:The authors show a new strategy to synthesize one kind of two-type cyanamide defects-positioning carbon nitride. By rational adjustment of the parameter, a high-efficiency and stable photocatalyst can be obtained.

Structure models of (A) g-C3N4 and (B) CCN with different C^N on eCeNH2 and eC]NH moieties). Corresponding calculated DOS for (C) g-C3N4 and (D) CCN.

Structure models of single Pt atom on (A) the lateral edges of pristine g-C3N4 and (B) CCN. Schematic spatial distribution of Pt particles on (C) pristine g-C3N4 and (D) CCN. TEM images of (E) pristine g-C3N4 and (F) CCN-0.03 with deposited Pt nanoparticles