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Grain size effect in lead-free ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics

发布者:Haixue Yan发布时间:2023-09-01浏览量:



目:Grain size effect in lead-free ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics

报告人:Dr Haixue Yan



主持人:杨斌 教授



Dr Haixue Yan is a Reader in Materials Science and Engineering at QMUL. He is also the Programme Director of Materials Engineering and an Appeals Panel Chair at QMUL. He is an expert on high temperature piezoelectric, Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), phase transitions in ferroelectrics, and PVDF-based ferroelectric polymers. He reported for the first-time ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in layer-structured A2B2O7 ceramics with super-high Curie points (>1450 °C). This work has produced a step-change in the operating temperature of piezoelectric sensors. His work on SPS has demonstrated that nano particles can work as building blocks during fast sintering. His work on ferroelectric characterization has provided evidence to answer open questions on phase transitions in lead-free ferroelectrics including Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3, NaNbO3 and AgNbO3-based dielectrics for energy storage applications. Recently his research has focused on PVDF-based polymers for high power energy storage in dielectric capacitors as well as high entropy materials for dielectric applications. He is on the editorial board of Scientific Reports, Advance in Applied Ceramics, Material Research Bulletin and Journal of Advanced Ceramics. Dr. Yan is an FIMMM and FRSC. He has 9 patents and >227 publications in peer-reviewed journals with an H-index of 52. He regularly gives invited/keynote talks in international conferences.
