湖南大学“天马材料研究论坛” 第171期
题 目:“Inorganic and hybrid nanomembranes: From flexible magnetoelectronics to micro-biorobotics”
报告人:Oliver G. Schmidt
地 点: 工程实验大楼244、240多媒体报告厅
时 间: 2019年11月15日(周五)下午2:30-3:30
主持人: 翁群红 教授(待定)
邀请人: 材料科学与工程学院
承办人: 材料学院“天马材料研究论坛”日常工作小组
Oliver G. Schmidt教授为德国工程院院士、莱布尼茨固态与材料研究所纳米集成研究所Director、开姆尼茨工业大学和德累斯顿工业大学教授,1993年在英国伦敦国王学院获学士学位,1999年获柏林工业大学博士学位,曾先后在马普固态研究所、南加州大学、斯图加特大学、汉堡大学从事研究工作,于2007年起在莱布尼茨固态与材料研究所任职至今。Schmidt教授是薄膜应力卷管领域的创始人和开拓者,长期从事纳米薄膜、智能微管、微纳能量存储设备、纳米光子学、智能微纳机器人的制备和应用。在Nature, Nat. Phys., Nat. Commun., Adv. Mat., PRL等知名国际期刊发表论文400余篇,工作获了得广泛关注与高度认可。近年来获得了欧盟研究理事会ERC Advanced Grant,德国最高科学技术奖Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize,Clarivate Analytics高被引学者等荣誉,担任复旦大学在内的多个大学的荣誉教授。
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt
The Leibniz Prize for Oliver G. Schmidt recognises his outstanding work in the investigation, manufacturing and innovative application of functional nanostructures. Schmidt, a physicist, is a pioneer in the field of rolled-up nanotubes and his research moves between physics, chemistry, materials science, electronics and microsystems engineering. His work is concerned with the integration of self-organised three-dimensional nanostructures on a chip. To achieve this, Schmidt developed a technique for tensioning nanometre-thin layers in such a way that materials can be structured in numerous ways in a three-dimensional space. He has translated fundamental research findings into numerous new applications in photonics, sensors, medicine and environmental process engineering or demonstrated how this could be achieved. These applications include the production of micromotors, ring resonators, optofluidic sensors and capacitors.
Oliver G. Schmidt earned his doctorate from TU Berlin in 1999 and worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. After a research visit at the University of Southern California, he returned to Stuttgart as a research group leader and then embarked on his habilitation at the University of Hamburg. In 2007 he was appointed Professor of Material Systems in Nanoelectronics at TU Chemnitz and Director of the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden.
Professional career
2007 - |
Director, Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, Leibniz IFW Dresden, Germany |
2007 – |
Full Professorship, Material Systems for Nanoelectronics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany |
2004 - 2007 |
Private lecturer, University of Stuttgart |
2002 - 2007 |
Head of research group, Max-Planck-institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart |
2001 - 2002 |
Research associate, University of Southern California |
1999 - 2001 |
Research associate, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart |
1996 - 1999 |
Research assistant, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart |
2003 |
Habilitation (postdoctoral lecture qualification), University of Hamburg, Germany |
1999 |
Graduation to Dr. rer. nat., Berlin University of Technology, German |
1996 |
Diploma in Physics |
1993 - 1996 |
Studies of Physics, Berlin University of Technology, Germany |
1993 |
Bachelor of Science in Physics |
1992 - 1993 |
Studies of Physics, King’s College London, England |
1990 - 1992 |
Studies of Physics, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany |
1990 |
“Abitur”, German School London, England |
Awards and Honours
2019 |
ERC Advanced Grant, European Research Council |
2018 |
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, German Research Foundation |
2018 |
Elected member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) |
2018 |
Highly Cited Researcher, Clarivate Analytics |
2013 |
International Dresden Barkhausen Award, Materials Research Network Dresden |
2012 |
New Research Building “Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes" (MAIN), Federal state and Free State of Saxony |
2011 |
Honorary Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
2010 |
Guinness World Record® for the Smallest Man-Made Jet Engine |
2010 |
Ace of Saxony, Free State of Saxony |
2010 |
Nanotechnology Thought Leader, AzoNano |
2006 |
Carus-Prize, City Schweinfurt |
2005 |
Carus-Medal, German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina |
2004 |
Laureate of the competition “Images of Science”, Max-Planck-Society |
2004 |
Heinrich-Düker-Prize, Kepler-Seminar for Natural Sciences |
2003 |
Laureate of the Young Scientist competition “Nanotechnology”, German Federal Ministry for Education and Research |
2002 |
Philip-Morris Research Award, Philip-Morris GmbH |
2000 |
Otto-Hahn Medal, Max-Planck-Society |
1999 |
Summa cum laude for PhD thesis, Berlin University of Technology |
1993 |
Perkin-Elmar-Prize, King’s College London |
2019 - |
Adjunct Professorship for Nanophysics, Faculty of Physics, TU Dresden |
2019 - |
Principal Investigator within Cluster of Excellence “Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (ct.qmat)”, TU Dresden |
2018 - |
Task Force, Research Center MAIN ("Materials, Archtectures, and Integration of Nanomembranes") |
2017 - |
Section D, Leibniz Association |
2012 - 2019 |
Principal Investigator within Cluster of Excellence “Center for Advanced Electronics Dresden (CfAED)”, TU Dresden |
2012 - 2018 |
Speaker of Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) |
2012 - 2018 |
Principal Investigator within Cluster of Excellence “Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures (MERGE)”, TU Chemnitz |
2010 - |
Institute of Physics, TU Chemnitz |
2009 - |
Faculty for Natural Sciences, TU Chemnitz |
2009 - |
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (Leibniz IFW Dresden) |
2007 - |
Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, TU Chemnitz |
1994 - |
German Physical Society |
Editorial Board Memberships
2017 - |
Editorial board member, "Advanced Materials Technologies" |
2014 - 2017 |
Founding editorial board member, "Physical Review Applied" |
2012 - |
Editorial board member, "Particle“ |
2007 - 2009 |
Editorial board member, "Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics“ |
2006 - 2014 |
Regional editor (Europe), "Nanoscale Research Letters“
This talk will be given on the development of tension engineering of nanometer-thin membrane for constructions of various three-dimensional microstructures in numerous ways, and the new applications of these structures in photonics, sensors, medicine, energy storage and environmental process engineering. These include micromotors, ring resonators, optofluidic sensors, capacitors, microbatteries and other microdevices based on our developed rolling up nanotechnology.